2018 Winners
Kevin Walker
Anatomy lab technician
Individual Nomination category
Kevin Walker takes daily action to reduce, reuse and recycle in order to improve the environment and lives of people on our beautiful campus. In his role as an anatomy lab technician, Walker has made a name for himself assisting many graduate students to complete their research projects by problem-solving and manufacturing solutions out of saved materials. His economical insight, resourcefulness, and commitment to the practice of sustainability is an advantage to his department and Western.
Clare Robinson
Environmental Engineering professor
Individual Nomination category
Clare Robinson has been active in supporting environmental awareness and sustainability initiatives since starting at Western in 2009. She has fostered awareness for sustainability and environmental issues through her teaching, research and
Yvonne Fuller
Student Experience staff member
Individual Nomination category
Yvonne Fuller’s passion for sustainability directly and consistently contributes to Western’s environmental goals helping to lead her team in adopting environmental