Policy & Planning

Sustainability is a core component of Western's operations, classes, world-class research activities and community. Our strategies, policies and plans guide us towards creating a culture of sustainability across campus and implementing bold changes that align with our vision for a sustainable campus. 

Towards Western at 150

Western University's Strategic Plan features three themes: greater impact; people, community, and culture; and Western's place in the world. Sustainability is highlighted as an imperative in the strategy, along with the need to seek bold and brave solutions for a sustainable future. 

Open Space Strategy

Western's Open Space Strategy seeks to make campus more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly, while also protecting and increasing biodiversity on campus. 

Environment and Sustainability Policy

Policy 1.48 - Environment and Sustainability recognizes a sustainable campus as one that promotes the smallest possible ecological footprint by promoting a healthy ecosystem and supporting the values of conservation. 

Campus Master Plan

The main goal of Western's Campus Master Plan is to guide and inform the university's continuing growth over the next several decades, while respecting the historical beauty and essential qualities of the campus and its relationship with the surrounding community. 

Creating a Sustainable Western Experience (2012 - 2022)

Creating a Sustainable Western Experience was PACES' first strategy, which set out goals and desired outcomes for sustainability on campus. The strategy was based on the IMAGINE 2022 project, which engaged the Western community in discussions on the direction and priorities for sustainability at Western. 

Energy Reporting & Compliance

In compliance with O. Reg. 25/23, Western University reports annual energy consumtion and greenhouse gas emissions to the Ministry of Energy and Electrification. Data for all Broader Public Sector (BPS) organizations is available on Ontario Open Data

An additional requirement of O. Reg. 25/23 (and previous iterations of the regulation) is the development and implementation of a Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) plan. CDM plans must be updated every five years, as of July 1, 2014. Click here to read Western's 2024-2029 CDM plan.