The President's Advisory Committee on the Environment and Sustainability (PACES) includes broad representation from faculty, staff and students to tackle sustainability in three broad areas:

The committee's mandate is to design and execute a Climate & Sustainability Strategy related to campus sustainability and improve awareness of sustainability initiatives and opportunities campus-wide.

PACES Committee Members:

Lynn Logan (Vice-President, Operations & Finance) Co-Chair

Florentine Strzelcayk (Provost & Vice-President, Academic) Co-Chair

Emilie Kalaydjian (USC Delegate)

Wade Masse (USC Delegate)

Floyd Mautle (SOGS Designate)

Eshan Ur Rahman Mohammed (SOGS Designate)

Dimitre Ivanov (Postdoctoral Scholar Designate)

Chris Alleyne (AVP, Housing & Ancillary Services)

Andrew Konowalchuk (AVP, Facilities Management)

Jacquie Burkell (AVP, Research)

John Doerksen (Vice-Provost, Students)

Jane O'Brien (AVP, Human Resources)

Christy Bressette (Vice Provost & AVP, Indigenous Initiatives)

Althea Blackburn-Evans (Chief Communications Officer) | Designate: Marcia Steyaert

Paul Mensink (Director, Centre for Environment & Sustainability)

Katrina Eyvindson (President's Faculty Representative)

Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw (President's Faculty Representative)

Kristen McGill (President's Staff Representative)

Rachel Halaney (President's Staff Representative)

Kenneth Coley (President's Decanal Representative)

Siobhan Doherty (University Advancement Representative)



Heather Hyde (Director, Sustainability)

Mary-Lee Townsend (Manager, Sustainability & Compliance)

Joan Ang (Manager, Energy & Carbon)

Jessica Cordes (Engagement Coordinator, Sustainability)

Laura Mantz (Engagement Coordinator, Sustainability)

Danielle Ward (Executive Specialist, Operations & Finance)