Western Sustainable Impact Fund
Western is dedicated to advancing sustainability through its commitment to fostering social, economic, and environmental initiatives. The $1 Million Western Sustainable Impact Fund (WSIF) encourages projects that align with the sustainability objectives outlined in Western's Strategic Plan.
The President's Advisory Committee on the Environment and Sustainability (PACES) identified this fund as a vital resource for championing innovative, high-impact on-campus projects that address sustainability concerns and to foster a sense of engagement amongst the campus community.
The WSIF is open to all Western student, staff, and faculty members. All proposals must have the support from a Western University faculty or staff leader.
Applications will open Fall 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions
Application Process
How many times can I apply?
No more than two projects per individual/group can be submitted each year.
If the funds requested are not deemed feasible, what happens?
Following a review of the application, the Office of Sustainability will contact the project applicants for further information.
Does the Project Lead need to be a staff or faculty member?
The Project Lead can be a student, staff or faculty member at Western. Project Sponsors must be a faculty or staff leader.
Funding and Budget
Will multiple project proposals be awarded funding?
This fund will support up to $500,000 in projects a year over the next two years. Each project can apply for between $500 and $30,000.
When do funds need to be spent by?
Successful applicants will be announced January 8, 2024. Funds will need to be spent by December 31, 2024.
Eligibility and Expenses
Where can I review Western University’s existing policies and procedures?
You can review Western’s policies and procedures here.
Can hospitality costs associated with planning meetings be included as an eligible expense?
No, this does not qualify as an eligible expense.
Other Considerations
Can I delay the start of my project?
You can, but funding must be spent by December 31, 2024. Please ensure your budget breakdown and project timeline reflect these considerations in your application.
Are there any UN SDGs that Western is particularly interested in advancing?
Western is committed to advancing all 17 UN SDGs. Project proposals should identify and explain how the SDGs will be advanced. To review the SDGs, please visit the Western Sustainability webpage here.