Water Conservation

At Western University, we recognize the importance of clean, fresh water to individuals, our community, and the environment. We are committed to conserving water efficiently and seeking innovative ways to manage consumption.

Western University's wastewater is directed via our sanitary sewer to the Greenway Wastewater Treatment plant, which is the City of London's largest treatment facility and treats over 60% of the city's wastewater.

Low impact development (LID) systems are also being implemented to reduce stormwater runoff and increase infiltration of water into the ground during heavy rains or snow melts. Western recently installed its first rain garden in front of the Physics and Astronomy Building. The garden is designed to help handle runoff during storms, and naturally filter salt and other debris from stormwater as it's absorbed into the ground. The garden also helps support biodiversity with native plants, and an improved pedestrian experience of the space with seating to enjoy the garden and nature that visits.

Water Efficiency Upgrades

Facilities Management plumbers test 651 backflow devices annually. Each unit provides an added layer of protection for Western's drinking water that may result from backflow conditions or a drop in pressure.

Western's Power Plant uses a multi-purpose greywater system which has mitigated 10M-litres of municipal water since 2017. Water used to rinse equipment is captured and reused for blowdown tanks, chilled water make-up, and other auxillary services.

Facilities Management has increased the number of bottle filling stations on campus which both reduces the reliance on single-use plastics and promotes personal hydration. There are over 200 refill stations with more being added through renovation and new construction.

Landscape Services continues to reduce the number of high-water requirement plantings. The team has decommissioned many irrigation systems in mature landscaped areas where native species have become established.