Refill. Rehydrate. Repeat.

In January 2024, Western stopped selling plastic bottled water across campus. Although they are not banned on campus, they are no longer provided at any university functions*, sold in vending machines or by any on-campus restaurant or vendors.
In addition to this, the university increased the number of water bottle filling stations, which are free to all, and upgraded old water fountains across the campus to make it more accessible to staff, students and faculty to refill their reusable water bottles. The water bottle filling stations are equipped with motion sensors to recognize when a water bottle is placed under spout. Upgraded water fountains were retro-fitted with high goose-neck spouts under which a bottle can be easily placed to be filled.
*for large scale events and emergency situations, bottled water will be available to ensure the safety of our guests
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you stop selling bottled water on campus?
- Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Western is committed to offering free, accessible water to all those on campus through our over 200 hydration stations across campus.
- While plastic water bottles are recyclable, they still require a significant amount of energy to manufacture, transport and eventually recycle. The use of durable water bottles is preferable in energy usage to recycling.
Why are you only banning plastic water bottles and not all plastics bottles?
Other beverages sold in bottles have similar environmental impacts as bottled water. However, those other beverages are not available from a tap or for free. By promoting tap water, we all help to expose the environmental, health, and socioeconomic impacts of bottled water. The choice in supporting public water and consuming tap water becomes clear.
Where can I find a drinking water station?
There are more than 200 water refill stations located across campus. Refill stations and water fountains are cleaned and maintained.
Is the drinking water safe to drink?
Yes. Canadian municipalities are required to test drinking water multiple times a day. In fact, the quality control of municipal drinking water is much more rigorous than the testing for bottled water.
Where can I get a reusable water bottle?
The Bookstore offers many affordable and stylish options for reusable water bottles. You’ll have plenty of options to choose from that suit your preferences and needs.
Can I still buy sparkling water on campus?
Sparkling water will still be available on campus in vending machines and at our businesses.
Looking to refill your reusable bottle? Find the nearest water filling station.