Our Team

Western's Office of Sustainability is dedicated to embedding and amplifying sustainability in operations, engagement and academia at Western. The team provides assistance and guidance, and works with various groups across campus to help achieve mutual sustainability goals.

Some of Western Sustainability's current initiatives include waste reduction and diversion, engagement with the campus community, energy and water conservation, and carbon reduction. We have set an ambitious target to be net zero by 2050 or sooner, and continue to make investments that move us closer to that goal. We aim to build leadership and confidence within the campus community on sustainability topics, and cultivate partnerships across Western and externally to strengthen our capacity and outreach.

Western is committed to continual improvement on sustainability across campus. Western's Gold achievement in Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS) demonstrates a broad range of university commitments and accomplishments in sustainability. The university seeks to continue implementing improvements to guarantee Western is a top performing Canadian school for sustainability. 

Meet Our Team

Heather Hyde, Director, Sustainability, hhyde@uwo.ca 

Joan Ang, Manager, Energy & Carbon, joan.ang@uwo.ca 

Mary-Lee Townsend, Manager, Sustainability & Compliance, mtownse9@uwo.ca 

Jessica Cordes, Engagement Coordinator, jcordes3@uwo.ca 

Laura Mantz, Engagement Coordinator, lmantz@uwo.ca

Abir Mohammad, Sustainability Coordinator, amoha626@uwo.ca

Akshay Sharma, Sustainability Coordinator, ashar386@uwo.ca

We welcome comments, questions and ideas about sustainability at Western! Email us at our above-listed individual emails, or at sustainability@uwo.ca